Feel free to promote RESHOW in your own materials.
Some suggestions for your digital and printed communication:
- please include a link to RESHOW URL: https://www.reshow.no in your website, e-mails, social networks, digital newsletters and wherever you find it convenient, for promoting the reuse of materials. (For example: in the previous sentence, the word “reuse” is a link to https://www.reshow.no).
- you can also include a sentence about RESHOW on your website, exhibition pages, social networks, newsletter, etc. And feel free to mention that all materials are free of charge. Some examples:
- [your exhibition space] shares selected debris materials from its shows via reshow.no
- Selected debris materials from this exhibition are available for reuse via reshow.no
- [ditt-visningssted] deler restmaterialer fra utstillingene via reshow.no
- [ditt-visningssted] samarbeider med antipodes café for å dele restmaterialer fra utstillingene via reshow.no
- please include RESHOW logo with a link to https://www.reshow.no
Logos (digital only)
- include the domain: reshow.no in your printed materials.
- include a sentence about RESHOW on printed materials. For example:
- include the logo/stamp RESHOW.NO
Logos (print only)

Please feel free to contact us for finding other ways to communicate the possibility of reusing your debris via RESHOW.